Introduction/tutorial material:
- iDMRGIntroduction: An introduction to iDMRG for the spin-1/2 chain
- Variance: Using the energy variance to determine the convergence of iDMRG
- TimeEvolution: Using TEBD to calculate a simple spectral function for a finite system
- SingleModeApproximation: Using MPO techniques to calculate the excitation energy of the single-mode approximation for a spin-1 chain
- Benchmarking: Tracking the performance of calculations by writing data to a file
More advanced topics
- MomentumResolvedES: Calculating the momentum-resolved entanglement spectrum of an infinite cylinder
- SymmetryProtectedSpinChain: Understanding the spin-1 chain and AKLT model from the perspective of symmetry-protected topological order
- BinderCumulant: An example for calculating Binder cumulants for infinite systems
- TDVP: Performing time-evolution simulation using the time-dependent variational principle for finite and infinite systems
- PowerLaw: How to represent Hamiltonians with power-law interactions as a sum of exponentials
- TimeDependentHamiltonians: Performing time-evolution simulations with time-dependent Hamiltonians
- IBC: An introduction to the infinite boundary condition tools
- ExcitationAnsatz?: An introduction to performing calculations using the MPS excitation ansatz
- ToricCode: Using iDMRG to find the minimally-entangled ground states of the toric code model and manipulate anyonic excitations
- Troubleshooting: common problems
These old HOWTO documents are obsolete.
- TutorialDmrg: A tutorial on using the toolkit for some simple groundstate calculations
- TutorialToric-code: A tutorial on using the toolkit for Toric-code model calculations and some notes for topological system simulations
- SVNSimpleGuide: A simple tutorial for basic svn commands that are useful in Toolkit
- HowtoBatch: How to use the DMRG program from a batch queue
- HowtoFrequency: How to calculate frequency-space Green's functions
- TutorialShort: Just a list of all the commands needed for calculating the groundstate and spectral function [incomplete?]
- SpinChain: Commands for running a simple DMRG calculation on a spin chain
- HowtoFiniteTemperature: How to do calculations at finite temperature
- LargeScaleCalculations: Some notes on how to configure the DMRG program for large calculations
- ConfigurationFile: Notes on the configuration file for DMRG and GMRES
- SymmetricHubbardModel: Some comments on the Wigner-Eckart projection of the {$SO(4)$} symmetric Hubbard basis down to {$U(1)\times U(1)$}
- DisorderedSystems: Avoiding metastable excited states in disordered systems
- iDMRG: Infinite size DMRG
- MKLAndOpen-MPIOptimizations: A guide for making an (heavily-) optimized MKL and OpenMP configuration in a toolkit build
Miscellaneous documents that really belong somewhere else:
- ExactEnergies: A collection of some exact and numerically-exact results
- EntanglementCFT: Connection between entanglement, number of states, and CFT in 1+1D
- SMA: Some notes on excitations and iMPOs