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This is going to be a concise and simple 'how to' guide for using subversion control commands in Toolkit. Of course for a complete manual you may refer to [ ].

Remember you may always get more information and helps with using svn info and svn help.

Get current status

To check the current status of your downloaded Toolkit version and compare your /trunk with repository trunk, use

svn status

You must see the 'up to date' report. But if any thing was changed, you will see a list of differences. A reported list like one or a number of these most common items,

M    f001
?    f002
!    f003

The message character 'M' in the beginning of a file means that item has been modified and currently is different with repository item. So you may want to check in to accept your changes or repository updates.

The message character '?' in the beginning of a file means that item is not under version control and in repository trunk. So you may want to add it to version control by svn add.

The message character '!' in the beginning of a file means that item is missed or deleted by user in your /trunk without using svn. It can also mean a checkout or update was interrupted.

Add or remove a file

To add a file in version control, use

svn add foo.dvi

Then you need to check in for this update, so

svn ci

To delete that file, use

svn delete foo.dvi

Once again you need to check in for updating.

Check-in Tips

First of all note that for an efficient subversion control usage all members need to submit a message for any check in, thus other members can track their changes. So as an unofficial convention, always check in like this

svn ci -m "your message"

If it's your first time to check in subversion control, you must provide your username and password (it will be asked for that). Computer will remember them. So in your first time use

svn --username <your username> ci

Switch to another tree

To switch from your current tree to another use

svn switch <remote tree>

After each switch it's definitely necessary to synchronize your working copy to the current version by using svn update.

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Page last modified on March 02, 2015, at 09:31 AM