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This program projects non-abelian quantum numbers onto the `axis of quantization', thereby breaking the symmetry down into an abelian subgroup.

Matrix Product Toolkit version HEAD- (subversion tree rev 802)
Compiled on Dec 10 2007 at 11:49:00
usage: mp-wigner-eckart <input-psi> <output-psi> <symmetry-list> <projection>

The new symmetry-list must map all non-abelian quantum numbers onto the abelian subgroup, and appear in the same order as the original symmetry list. A current limitation is that all non-abelian symmetries must be projected; if there is more than one {$SU(2)$} symmetry, for example, it is not currently possible to project one but not the other.

The projection is the quantum number in the new symmetry list.


For the Hubbard model with {$SO(4) \equiv SU(2) \otimes SU(2)$} symmetry, we have the symmetry list Q:SU(2),S:SU(2). The projected symmetry list will therefore contain two {$U(1)$} symmetries. We could call them anything we want, but for consistency it is best to call them Qz and Sz. Thus the new symmetry list will be Qz:U(1),Sz:U(1).

The projection quantum numbers can be chosen arbitrarily, provided that {$-Q \leq Q^z \leq Q$} and {$-S \leq S^z \leq S$}, and {$Q+Q^z$} and {$S+S^z$} are both integer (ie, if {$Q$} or {$S$} are (half-)integer, then {$Q^z$} and {$S^z$} are also (half-)integer).

For example, for a state psi-in with quantum numbers {$4,2$}, we can project onto any state from {$-4,-2$} up to {$4,2$}. The command would be

mp-wigner-eckart psi-in psi-out "Qz:U(1),Sz:U(1)" -4,2

Note that the z-component of the pseudospin is related to the particle number by {$Q^z = \frac{N-1}{2}$}. Thus, {$Q^z=0$} corresponds to half-filling, and if {$Q > 0$}, the {$Q^z = 0$} state is a half-filled excited state. The hole-doped and particle-doped groundstates correspond to {$Q^z = -Q$} and {$Q^z = Q$} respectively. To convert from {$Q^z$} to the particle number, a shift, scale, and rename (and possibly a reordering of the basis) is required.

See Also

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