翻譯進度(redirected from PmWikiZhTw.StateOfTranslationTemplate) Message for 林風: Thanks for your translation efforts! You have probably seen that signing with your Chinese name does not link to the Profiles group. Unfortunately this group is not yet UTF-8 enabled. We are aware of this problem and are analysing what and when needs to be done to make this move as smooth as possible, without breaking content of current non-UTF-8 pages. -- SchreyP? 2010/05/17, 07:34 翻譯進度頁面的模版來源:http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Localization.StateOfTranslationTemplate 本頁面提供PmWiki正體中文翻譯進度記錄。翻譯工作秉持Wiki精神,由網友共同編輯持續改進。表格在第三欄列出原英文頁面,並在第四欄列出對應的正體中文頁面。由狀態欄可得知文件目前的狀態。 表格第一欄(Work)即為待辦事項。任何人發現文件不同步時,最好的方式是親自動手修改。但若沒時間立即修正,可在此欄位標記下待辦記號︰
頁面標記 - Syst.- (System pages) 表示頁面名稱必須與原文件相同,因為這些文件會被系統程式所使用。 此表列出了不再需要翻譯的頁面: