You take the blue pill... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill... you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
XLPagepage contains the string mappings to convert PmWiki's prompts into Traditional Chinese (UTF-8). Other strings to be translated, including some used in previous versions of PmWiki, may be found at Localization.XLPageCookbookTemplate. ### Locale identifier, e.g. 'de' or 'cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2' 'Locale' => 'zh_TW.utf8', ### Time format, e.g. '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M EET' 'TimeFmt' => '%Y/%m/%d, %I:%M', ### Standard layout strings 'View' => '檢視', 'Edit' => '編輯', 'History' => '版本', 'Attach' => '附件', 'Print' => '列印', 'Backlinks' => '逆向連結', 'Login' => '登入', 'Logout' => '登出', 'Recent Changes' => '群組最近更新列表', 'Search' => '搜尋', 'Page last modified on {$LastModified}' => '頁面最後更新於 {$LastModified}', 'Go' => '搜尋', 'All Recent Changes' => '全站最近更新頁面', # access keys # 'ak_view' => '', # 'ak_edit' => 'e', # 'ak_history' => 'h', # 'ak_attach' => '', # 'ak_print' => '', # 'ak_backlinks' => '', # 'ak_logout' => '', # 'ak_recentchanges' => 'c', ### PageTitle/LinkText technical pages (for full list see page Localization.Localization) 'RecentChanges' => '群組最近更新列表', 'AllRecentChanges' => '全站最近更新頁面', 'GroupHeader' => '群組標頭', 'GroupFooter' => '群組頁尾', 'SideBar' => '側邊欄', 'GroupAttributes' => '群組屬性', ### Print layout strings 'From $WikiTitle' => '來自 $WikiTitle', 'Retrieved from {$PageUrl}' => '文件來自 {$PageUrl}', ### Page locations '{$SiteGroup}/EditQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhTw/EditQuickReference', '{$SiteGroup}/UploadQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhTw/UploadQuickReference', '{$SiteGroup}/Search' => 'PmWikiZhTw/Search', '{$SiteGroup}.PageNotFound' => 'PmWikiZhTw/PageNotFound', ### Browse page strings 'redirected from' => '本頁轉址自', ### Edit page strings 'Editing {*$FullName}' => '編輯 {*$FullName}', 'Save' => '存檔', 'Save and edit' => '存檔並繼續編輯', 'Publish' => '發佈', 'Save draft' => '存為草稿', 'Save draft and edit' => '存為草稿並繼續編輯', 'Preview' => '預覽', 'Cancel' => '取消', 'Reset' => '清除重寫', 'Author' => '作者', 'An author name is required.' => '必須填入作者', 'Summary' => '修改摘要', 'This is a minor edit' => '這是一個細微更新版本', 'Preview {*$FullName}' => '預覽 {*$FullName}', 'End of preview -- remember to save' => '預覽結束──記得存檔!', 'Page is unsaved' => '本頁尚未存檔', 'Top' => '回頁首', # access keys # 'ak_save' => 's', # 'ak_saveedit' => 'u', # 'ak_preview' => 'p', # 'ak_savedraft' => 'd', # 'ak_textedit' => ',', # 'e_rows' => '23', # 'e_cols' => '60', ### Page history strings '{$FullName} History' => '{$FullName} 版本更新歷程', 'Show minor edits' => '顯示細微的更新', 'Hide minor edits' => '隱藏細微的更新', 'Show changes to markup' => '顯示標記語言的改變', 'Show changes to output' => '顯示輸出樣式的改變', 'by' => '被', 'Restore' => '還原為原來版本', 'Added line $DiffLines:' => '增加第 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:', 'Added lines $DiffLines:' => '增加 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:', 'Changed line $DiffLines from:' => '更新第 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:', 'Changed lines $DiffLines from:' => '更新 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:', 'Deleted line $DiffLines:' => '刪除第 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:', 'Deleted lines $DiffLines:' => '刪除 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:', 'to:' => '變更為:', ### Page attribute strings 'Attributes' => '屬性', '{$FullName} Attributes' => '{$FullName} 屬性', 'Set new read password:' => '設定新的讀取權限密碼:', 'Set new edit password:' => '設定新的寫入權限密碼:', 'Set new attribute password:' => '設定新的屬性密碼:', 'Set new publish password:' => '設定新的發佈密碼', 'Set new upload password:' => '設定新的上傳密碼:', '(set by $PWSource)' => '(目前使用 $PWSource)', '(using $PWCascade password)' => '目前使用 $PWCascade 密碼', '(protected)' => '(需要授權)', 'EnterAttributes' => "請在底下欄位為頁面各項屬性填入新密碼,不輸入則屬性保持原設定值。輸入'clear'清除密碼,輸入'nopass'則忽略繼承自群組或站台的設定值。其它屬性設定值則為新的密碼。", 'The page has an "attr" attribute and cannot be deleted.' => '此頁面具有"attr" 屬性,無法被刪除。', ## Authorization strings 'Name' => '使用者名稱', 'Password' => '密碼', 'Password required' => '請輸入密碼', 'Name/password not recognized' => '無效的使用者名稱/密碼', ### Search strings 'Search Results' => '搜尋結果', 'SearchFor' => '<em>$Needle</em> 的搜尋結果', 'SearchFound' => '找到 $MatchCount 個網頁,共搜尋了 $MatchSearched 個網頁。', ### Upload strings 'Attachments for' => '附件檔案為', 'File to upload:' => '上傳檔案', 'Name attachment as:' => '檔案名稱', 'Upload' => '上傳', 'Uploads' => '上傳', 'ULsuccess' => '上傳成功', 'ULbadname' => '無效的檔案名稱', 'ULbadtype' => "'$upext' 為不允許的副檔名", 'ULtoobig' => '檔案太大,超過網站伺服器允許的最大值', 'ULtoobigext' => "檔案太大,超過 '$upext' 類型最大允許值($upmax bytes)", 'ULpartial' => '檔案上傳不完整', 'ULnofile' => '檔案上傳失敗', 'ULexists' => '檔案名稱重複', 'ULpquota' => '超過群組配額', 'ULtquota' => '超過上傳配額', ### GuiEdit button bar 'Emphasized' => '斜體', 'Emphasized (italic)' => '斜體', 'Strong' => '粗體', 'Strong (bold)' => '粗體', 'Page link' => '頁面連結', 'Link to internal page' => '內部連結', 'link text' => '連結名稱', 'Link to external page' => '外部連結', 'file.ext' => '', 'Attach file' => '附件檔', 'Big text' => '字體放大', 'Small text' => '字體縮小', 'Superscript' => '上標字', 'Subscript' => '下標字', 'Heading' => '標題', 'Subheading' => '副標題', 'Center' => '置中', 'Unordered list' => '項目符號', 'Unordered (bullet) list' => '圓點項目符號', 'Ordered list' => '順序列點', 'Ordered (numbered) list' => '編號列點', 'Indented text' => '全段縮排', 'Hanging indent' => '首行凸排', 'Horizontal rule' => '水平線', 'Table' => '表格', # access keys # 'ak_em' => '', # 'ak_strong' => '', ### Others '(approve sites)' => '(認證連結)', 'This post has been blocked by the administrator' => '本頁面已被管理員鎖住', 'Address blocked from posting' => '禁止發佈位址', 'Text blocked from posting' => '禁止發佈內容', 'Password encryption' => '密碼加密', 'EditConflict' => "在你編輯此頁面的同時,本頁已經被其他人修改,修改的版本合併如下,請確認合併的結果再存檔。系統無法解決的編修衝突分別用<<<<<<<和>>>>>>>分割顯示。" 'EditWarning' => "在您編輯此頁面的同時,另一位使用者也正在編輯此頁面,若是您要繼續,您所做的更動將複寫掉其他人所做的更動。", 'View changes' => '檢視變更', '?invalid page name' => '無效的頁面名稱', 'More information' => '詳細資訊', "PmWiki can't process your request" => 'PmWiki無法處理您的要求', 'We are sorry for any inconvenience' => '非常抱歉給您帶來任何不便', 'Return to' => '回到', ### Deprecated '{$Group}/RecentChanges' => '', ### Historical 'Save as draft' => '存成草稿', 'not found' => '找不到', ## pre-2.1 'Page last modified on $LastModified' => '最後更新時間 $LastModified', 'Editing `{$FullName}' => '編輯`{$FullName}', 'Describe $Name here.' => '在此描述$Name', 'Preview `{$FullName}' => '預覽 `{$FullName}', '$FullName History' => '$FullName 更新歷程', 'Page Attributes' => '頁面屬性', Notes |