This code extends the MPS-DMRG code to calculate the spectral function of the s=1/2 Heisenberg model using TEBD. You can download the code here
# Simple TEBD code using MPS/MPO representations #
# Ian McCulloch 25/5/2020 #
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import math
import cmath
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import copy
# pseudo-inverse of a diagonal matrix.
# We want to cut off values smaller than the threshold. We use
# Tikhonov regularization, s -> s / (s^2 + a^2), where a is the cutoff
def pseudo_inverse(S):
a2 = 1e-7 ** 2
return np.array([x / (x**2 + a2) for x in S])
def norm_frob(A):
return np.sum(np.multiply(np.conj(A),A))
## take an MPS in right orthogonal form and construct the canonical form
## Lambda_0 Gamma_0 Lambda_1 Gamma_1 ... Gamma_N Lambda_N+1
def canonicalize(MPS):
Lambda = [np.array([1])]
Gamma = []
V = np.array([[1]])
lastS = np.array([1])
for i in range(len(MPS)):
# reshape into m x (dm)
Temp = np.einsum("ij,sjk->sik", V, MPS[i])
s = np.shape(Temp)
A = np.reshape(Temp, (s[0]*s[1], s[2]))
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=0)
Gamma = Gamma + [np.einsum("i,sij->sij", pseudo_inverse(lastS), np.reshape(U, (s[0], s[1], np.shape(U)[1])))]
Lambda = Lambda + [S]
V = np.einsum("i,ij->ij", S, V)
lastS = S
# assert V is 1x1 identity matrix
return Lambda, Gamma
def orthonormalize(MPS):
# sweep left-to-right with SVD's
V = np.array([[1]])
for i in range(len(MPS)):
s = np.shape(MPS[i])
A = np.reshape(np.einsum("ij,sjk->sik",V,MPS[i]), (s[0]*s[1], s[2]))
U,S,V = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=0)
MPS[i] = np.reshape(U, (s[0], s[1], np.shape(U)[1]))
V = np.einsum("i,ij->ij", S, V)
# sweep right to left
U = np.array([[1]])
for i in range(len(MPS)-1, -1, -1):
s = np.shape(MPS[i])
A = np.reshape(np.einsum("sij,jk->isk", MPS[i], U), (s[1], s[0]*np.shape(U)[1]))
U,S,V = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=0)
MPS[i] = np.einsum("isk->sik", np.reshape(V, (np.shape(V)[0], s[0], s[2])))
U = np.einsum("ij,j->ij", U, S)
# the final U is the norm, which we discard
return MPS
def TEBD_Gate(Lambda0, Gamma1, Lambda1, Gamma2, Lambda2, Gate, m):
# contract the outside lambda's into Gamma
Gamma1 = np.einsum("i,sij->sij", Lambda0, Gamma1)
Gamma2 = np.einsum("sij,j->sij", Gamma2, Lambda2)
# apply the centre lambda
Gamma2 = np.einsum("i,sij->sij", Lambda1, Gamma2)
# make 2-body tensor Gamma1 Lambda1 Gamma2
Temp = np.einsum("sij,tjk->stik", Gamma1, Gamma2)
# apply the 2-body gate and reorder to apply the svd
TShape = np.shape(Temp)
GShape = (TShape[0],TShape[1],TShape[0],TShape[1])
Temp = np.einsum("uvst,stik->uivk", np.reshape(Gate,GShape), Temp)
s = np.shape(Temp)
A = np.reshape(Temp, (s[0]*s[1], s[2]*s[3]))
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=0)
# truncate
m = min(len(S), m)
S = S[0:m]
U = U[:,0:m]
V = V[0:m,:]
# reshape back to Gamma
Gamma1 = np.reshape(U, (s[0], s[1], np.shape(U)[1]))
Gamma2 = np.einsum("isj->sij", np.reshape(V, (np.shape(V)[0], s[2], s[3])))
# invert the outer Lambda matrices
Gamma1 = np.einsum("i,sij->sij", pseudo_inverse(Lambda0), Gamma1)
Gamma2 = np.einsum("sij,j->sij", Gamma2, pseudo_inverse(Lambda2))
return Gamma1, S, Gamma2
def EvolveEvenBonds(Lambda, Gamma, Gate, m):
for i in range(0, len(Gamma)-1, 2):
Gamma[i], Lambda[i+1], Gamma[i+1] = TEBD_Gate(Lambda[i], Gamma[i], Lambda[i+1], Gamma[i+1], Lambda[i+2], Gate, m)
return Lambda, Gamma
def EvolveOddBonds(Lambda, Gamma, Gate, m):
for i in range(1, len(Gamma)-1, 2):
Gamma[i], Lambda[i+1], Gamma[i+1] = TEBD_Gate(Lambda[i], Gamma[i], Lambda[i+1], Gamma[i+1], Lambda[i+2], Gate, m)
return Lambda, Gamma
def MPS_from_canonical(Lambda, Gamma):
MPS = []
for i in range(len(Gamma)):
MPS = MPS + [np.einsum("i,sij->sij", Lambda[i], Gamma[i])]
return MPS
# evolve a timestep, using simple 2nd order Lie-Suzuki-Trotter decomposition
def EvolveTimestep(Lambda, Gamma, H, m, dt):
Lambda,Gamma = EvolveEvenBonds(Lambda, Gamma, scipy.linalg.expm(complex(0,-dt/2)*H), m)
Lambda,Gamma = EvolveOddBonds(Lambda, Gamma, scipy.linalg.expm(complex(0,-dt)*H), m)
Lambda,Gamma = EvolveEvenBonds(Lambda, Gamma, scipy.linalg.expm(complex(0,-dt/2)*H), m)
return Lambda,Gamma
def LocalExpectationValue(Lambda, Gamma, Site, Op):
G = np.einsum("i,sij->sij", Lambda[Site], Gamma[Site])
G = np.einsum("sij,j->sij", G, Lambda[Site+1])
H = np.einsum("st,tij->sij", Op, G)
return np.einsum("sij,sij", np.conj(G), H)
# return an array of the local expectation value at every site
def Density(Lambda, Gamma, Op):
return np.array([LocalExpectationValue(Lambda, Gamma, n, Op) for n in range(0,len(Gamma))])
## initial E and F matrices for the left and right vacuum states
def initial_E(W):
E = np.zeros((W.shape[0],1,1))
E[0] = 1
return E
def initial_F(W):
F = np.zeros((W.shape[1],1,1))
F[-1] = 1
return F
def contract_from_right(W, A, F, B):
# the einsum function doesn't appear to optimize the contractions properly,
# so we split it into individual summations in the optimal order
#return np.einsum("abst,sij,bjl,tkl->aik",W,A,F,B, optimize=True)
Temp = np.einsum("sij,bjl->sbil", np.conj(A), F)
Temp = np.einsum("sbil,abst->tail", Temp, W)
return np.einsum("tail,tkl->aik", Temp, B)
def contract_from_left(W, A, E, B):
# the einsum function doesn't appear to optimize the contractions properly,
# so we split it into individual summations in the optimal order
# return np.einsum("abst,sij,aik,tkl->bjl",W,A,E,B, optimize=True)
Temp = np.einsum("sij,aik->sajk", np.conj(A), E)
Temp = np.einsum("sajk,abst->tbjk", Temp, W)
return np.einsum("tbjk,tkl->bjl", Temp, B)
# construct the F-matrices for all sites except the first
def construct_F(Alist, MPO, Blist):
F = [initial_F(MPO[-1])]
for i in range(len(MPO)-1, 0, -1):
F.append(contract_from_right(MPO[i], Alist[i], F[-1], Blist[i]))
return F
def construct_E(Alist, MPO, Blist):
return [initial_E(MPO[0])]
# 2-1 coarse-graining of two site MPO into one site
def coarse_grain_MPO(W, X):
return np.reshape(np.einsum("abst,bcuv->acsutv",W,X),
[W.shape[0], X.shape[1],
def product_W(W1, W2):
return np.reshape(np.einsum("abst,cdtu->acbdsu", W1, W2), [W1.shape[0]*W2.shape[0],
def product_MPO(M1, M2):
assert len(M1) == len(M2)
Result = []
for i in range(0, len(M1)):
Result.append(product_W(M1[i], M2[i]))
return Result
# 2-1 coarse-graining of two-site MPS into one site
def coarse_grain_MPS(A,B):
return np.reshape(np.einsum("sij,tjk->stik",A,B),
[A.shape[0]*B.shape[0], A.shape[1], B.shape[2]])
def fine_grain_MPS(A, dims):
assert A.shape[0] == dims[0] * dims[1]
Theta = np.transpose(np.reshape(A, dims + [A.shape[1], A.shape[2]]),
M = np.reshape(Theta, (dims[0]*A.shape[1], dims[1]*A.shape[2]))
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=0)
U = np.reshape(U, (dims[0], A.shape[1], -1))
V = np.transpose(np.reshape(V, (-1, dims[1], A.shape[2])), (1,0,2))
# assert U is left-orthogonal
# assert V is right-orthogonal
#print(np.dot(V[0],np.transpose(V[0])) + np.dot(V[1],np.transpose(V[1])))
return U, S, V
def truncate_MPS(U, S, V, m):
m = min(len(S), m)
trunc = np.sum(S[m:])
S = S[0:m]
U = U[:,:,0:m]
V = V[:,0:m,:]
return U,S,V,trunc,m
def Expectation(AList, MPO, BList):
E = [[[1]]]
for i in range(0,len(MPO)):
E = contract_from_left(MPO[i], AList[i], E, BList[i])
return E[0][0][0]
class HamiltonianMultiply(sparse.linalg.LinearOperator):
def __init__(self, E, W, F):
self.E = E
self.W = W
self.F = F
self.dtype = np.dtype('d')
self.req_shape = [W.shape[2], E.shape[1], F.shape[2]]
self.size = self.req_shape[0]*self.req_shape[1]*self.req_shape[2]
self.shape = [self.size, self.size]
def _matvec(self, A):
# the einsum function doesn't appear to optimize the contractions properly,
# so we split it into individual summations in the optimal order
#R = np.einsum("aij,sik,abst,bkl->tjl",self.E,np.reshape(A, self.req_shape),
# self.W,self.F, optimize=True)
R = np.einsum("aij,sik->ajsk", self.E, np.reshape(A, self.req_shape))
R = np.einsum("ajsk,abst->bjtk", R, self.W)
R = np.einsum("bjtk,bkl->tjl", R, self.F)
return np.reshape(R, -1)
## optimize a single site given the MPO matrix W, and tensors E,F
def optimize_site(A, W, E, F):
H = HamiltonianMultiply(E,W,F)
# we choose tol=1E-8 here, which is OK for small calculations.
# to bemore robust, we should take the tol -> 0 towards the end
# of the calculation.
E,V = sparse.linalg.eigsh(H,1,v0=A,which='SA', tol=1E-8)
return (E[0],np.reshape(V[:,0], H.req_shape))
def optimize_two_sites(A, B, W1, W2, E, F, m, dir):
W = coarse_grain_MPO(W1,W2)
AA = coarse_grain_MPS(A,B)
H = HamiltonianMultiply(E,W,F)
E,V = sparse.linalg.eigsh(H,1,v0=AA,which='SA')
AA = np.reshape(V[:,0], H.req_shape)
A,S,B = fine_grain_MPS(AA, [A.shape[0], B.shape[0]])
A,S,B,trunc,m = truncate_MPS(A,S,B,m)
if (dir == 'right'):
B = np.einsum("ij,sjk->sik", np.diag(S), B)
assert dir == 'left'
A = np.einsum("sij,jk->sik", A, np.diag(S))
return E[0], A, B, trunc, m
def two_site_dmrg(MPS, MPO, m, sweeps):
E = construct_E(MPS, MPO, MPS)
F = construct_F(MPS, MPO, MPS)
for sweep in range(0,int(sweeps/2)):
for i in range(0, len(MPS)-2):
Energy,MPS[i],MPS[i+1],trunc,states = optimize_two_sites(MPS[i],MPS[i+1],
E[-1], F[-1], m, 'right')
print("Sweep {:} Sites {:},{:} Energy {:16.12f} States {:4} Truncation {:16.12f}"
.format(sweep*2,i,i+1, Energy, states, trunc))
E.append(contract_from_left(MPO[i], MPS[i], E[-1], MPS[i]))
for i in range(len(MPS)-2, 0, -1):
Energy,MPS[i],MPS[i+1],trunc,states = optimize_two_sites(MPS[i],MPS[i+1],
E[-1], F[-1], m, 'left')
print("Sweep {} Sites {},{} Energy {:16.12f} States {:4} Truncation {:16.12f}"
.format(sweep*2+1,i,i+1, Energy, states, trunc))
F.append(contract_from_right(MPO[i+1], MPS[i+1], F[-1], MPS[i+1]))
return MPS
d=2 # local bond dimension
N=40 # number of sites
InitialA1 = np.zeros((d,1,1))
InitialA1[0,0,0] = 1
InitialA2 = np.zeros((d,1,1))
InitialA2[1,0,0] = 1
## initial state |01010101>
MPS = [InitialA1, InitialA2] * int(N/2)
## Local operators
I = np.identity(2)
Z = np.zeros((2,2))
Sz = np.array([[0.5, 0 ],
[0 , -0.5]])
Sp = np.array([[0, 1],
[0, 0]])
Sm = np.array([[0, 0],
[1, 0]])
## Hamiltonian MPO
W = np.array([[I, Sz, 0.5*Sp, 0.5*Sm, Z],
[Z, Z, Z, Z, Sz],
[Z, Z, Z, Z, Sm],
[Z, Z, Z, Z, Sp],
[Z, Z, Z, Z, I]])
Wfirst = np.array([[I, Sz, 0.5*Sp, 0.5*Sm, Z]])
Wlast = np.array([[Z], [Sz], [Sm], [Sp], [I]])
# the complete MPO
MPO = [Wfirst] + ([W] * (N-2)) + [Wlast]
HamSquared = product_MPO(MPO, MPO)
m = 10
sweeps = 8
MPS = two_site_dmrg(MPS, MPO, m, sweeps)
Energy = Expectation(MPS, MPO, MPS)
print("Final energy expectation value {}".format(Energy))
H2 = Expectation(MPS, HamSquared, MPS)
print("variance = {:16.12f}".format(H2 - Energy*Energy))
# sage the groundstate, we need it later
GS = copy.deepcopy(MPS)
# Act on the MPS with a local operator at some site
MPS[N//2] = np.einsum("st,tij->sij", Sp, MPS[N//2])
# orthonormalize the MPS
MPS = orthonormalize(MPS)
# canonicalize in preparation for TEND
Lambda,Gamma = canonicalize(MPS)
# 2 sites of the Hamiltonian. Full Hamiltonian is sum over translations of H2site
H2site = 0.5 * (np.kron(Sp, Sm) + np.kron(Sm, Sp)) + np.kron(Sz, Sz)
# matrix of Sz values as a function of time and position. Rows are timesteps, columns are position
SzMatrix = [Density(Lambda, Gamma, Sz)]
# for the correlation function, we want f(x,t) = <0|S-(t) S+(0)|0> = <0|S- e^{iHt} S+(0)|0> (ignoring phase factor)
IdentityMPO = [np.array([[I]]) for i in range(N)]
Correlator = []
for i in range(N):
c = copy.deepcopy(IdentityMPO)
c[i][0,0] = Sm
Correlator = Correlator + [c]
# initial correlation
Correlation = [ [Expectation(GS, Correlator[n], MPS) for n in range(N)] ]
# timestep
dt = 0.02
NT = 600 # number of timesteps
Skip = 1 # only calculate correlations after this many timesteps
for i in range(NT):
print("timestep {} / {}".format(i,NT))
Lambda,Gamma = EvolveTimestep(Lambda, Gamma, H2site, 20, dt)
SzMatrix = SzMatrix + [Density(Lambda, Gamma, Sz)]
# correlation function
if (i % Skip == 0):
MPS = MPS_from_canonical(Lambda, Gamma)
Correlation = Correlation + [ [Expectation(GS, Correlator[n], MPS) for n in range(N)] ]
X = np.outer(np.linspace(0,N-1,N), np.ones(NT+1))
T = np.outer(np.ones(N), np.linspace(0,dt,NT+1))
SzMatrix = np.transpose(np.array(SzMatrix).real)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, T, SzMatrix, cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none')
ax.set_title('Evolution of the magnetization')
# correlation function
Correlation = np.transpose(np.array(Correlation))
figc = plt.figure()
axc = plt.axes(projection='3d')
axc.plot_surface(X, T, np.absolute(Correlation), cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none')
axc.set_title('Time-dependent correlation')
# Calculate the spectral function
# time evolution is symmetric, so we can add the -ve time component
Correlation = np.concatenate((np.flip(Correlation[:,1:], axis=1), Correlation), axis=1)
Spec = np.absolute(np.fft.fft2(Correlation))
# we didn't correct for the groundstate energy, so just plot by hand the relevant part
Spec = Spec[:,68:52:-1]
K = np.outer(np.linspace(0,np.pi*2,N), np.ones(NumOmega))
W = np.outer(np.ones(N), np.linspace(0,NumOmega*np.pi/(dt*NT), NumOmega))
fig2 = plt.figure()
ax2 = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax2.plot_surface(K, W, np.absolute(Spec), cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none')
ax2.set_zlabel("Spectral density")
ax2.set_title('Spectral function')