Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment; but you humans do not.
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Lattice file (required)
Unit cell size (required)
Target quantum number of the wavefunction (required, unless the lattice has no conserved symmetries)
The output wavefunction is a superposition of this many random product states (default 20)
Output filename (required)
Inverse temperature for Monte Carlo simulated annealing (default 3)
Random seed - with the same parameters and same seed, the output wafefunction is reproducible. By default the random seed is chosen from the system random number generator.
Construct an infinite wavefunction as output
Force overwriting the output file, if it exists
NotesThis program is typically used to generate a random state to use as input for the finite DMRG program. The iDMRG program uses the same algorithm to generate initial states if you use the If you specify a target quantum number that is not actually possible (ie. the dimension of the Fock space is zero, because there is no combination of local basis states that can give that quantum number), then In some corner cases, the convergence of the algorithm can be slow. This is the case, for example, with a lattice that is nearly empty or nearly full. In this case, reducing the thermodynamic temperature for the montecarlo sampling may be beneficial (ie. increase the |