Tools /
MpICorrelationThe Synopsis
Calculates {$\langle\psi|\,\mbox{operator1}(0)\;\mbox{operator2}(x)\,|\psi\rangle$} Options
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Show the results in cartesian coordinates
show the results in polar coordinates
Show the real part of the result
show the imaginary part of the result
Show the magnitude part of the result
show the argument part of the result
show the argument in radians
As an alternative to specifying the lattice separately for each operator, you can set it once here and it will implicitly use this lattice, as if you used the syntax lattice:operator
Evaluate the string correlation function {$\langle\psi|\mbox{operator1}(0)\,X(1)\,X(2)\,\cdots \,X(x-1)\,\mbox{operator2}(x)|\psi\rangle$}. The string operator must be in the form of a product MPO, with a compatible unit cell.
Multiply Operator1 by the string operator {$X(0)$}
Used this unit cell size (default is the lattice unit cell size)
Length of the correlation to evaluate, default 100 unit cells
Average the wavefunction over shifts of the lattice unit cell. Only meaningful when the wavefunction unit cell is larger than the lattice unit cell.
Calculate the connected part of the correlation function, {$\langle\psi|\,\mbox{operator1}(0)\,\mbox{operator2}(x)\,|\psi\rangle - \langle\psi|\mbox{operator1}(0)|\psi\rangle \langle\psi|\mbox{operator2}(x)|\psi\rangle $}
DescriptionThis command calculates correlation functions of local operators. Operator1 and Operator2 (and optionally, the Examples