Electro-Magnetic Pulse, disables any electrical system within the blast radius, only weapon we have against the machines.
Tools /
MpEaDmrgOptimise an EA wavefunction with multi-site windows using the EA DMRG algorithm. Synopsis
Brief description Options
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The operator the use for the Hamiltonian (if unspecified, use wavefunction attribute Hamiltonian of psi ).
The filename of the EA wavefunction to be optimised (required).
The number of sweeps to perform (default 2).
Error tolerance for the local eigensolver (default 1e-10 ).
Error tolerance for the GMRES algorithm for solving the left and right block Hamiltonians (default 1e-13 ).
Error tolerance for the magnitude of transfer matrix eigenvalues close to one (default 1e-12 ).
Reduce the amount of normal output made by the program.
Increase verbosity.
DescriptionThis tool optimises the energy of the multi-site window EA wavefunction by sweeping through all of the windows simultaneously, updating the {$n$}th site of each window at the same time, using an algorithm based on finite-size DMRG. |