I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.
Tools /
MpCanonicalThe Matrix Product Toolkit version HEAD- (subversion tree rev 824) Compiled on Jan 16 2008 at 14:20:11 usage: mp-canonical <lattice> <quantum number> <outfile> To work properly the lattice file has to support the structure needed for the construction of the state, i.e. a exact copy of the system with site index (i,aux). The mp-toolkit already contains a variety of models (e.g. spinchain-canonical-u1), where this is the case. Using such a model, the quantum numbers for the system and the ancillas have to be provided as a tuple x,y and are conserved seperately. This allows for canonical simulations, a grandcanonical version has yet to be added. |