Projects /
KagomeStripThe Kagome strip with SU(2) symmetry is obtained with the For correlation functions, use the model Example script, to perform some DMRG then optimize the wavefunctions with some steps of imaginary time evolution. #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then echo "usage: doit <Jleg> <unitcell>" exit 1 fi jleg=$1 jcross=1 unitcell=$2 steps=10 for states in 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 ; do if [ -f psi-Jleg$jleg-Jcross$jcross-m$states-u$unitcell ] ; then mp-idmrg5 -H kagome-su2 --Jleg $jleg --Jcross $jcross -m $states -s $steps -w psi-Jleg$jleg-Jcross$jcross-m$states-u$unitcell mp-idmrg5 -H kagome-su2 --Jleg $jleg --Jcross $jcross -m $states -s $steps -w psi-Jleg$jleg-Jcross$jcross-m$states-u$unitcell mp-idmrg5 -H kagome-su2 --Jleg $jleg --Jcross $jcross -m $states -s $steps --evolve 0.01 -w psi-Jleg$jleg-Jcross$jcross-m$states-u$unitcell mp-idmrg5 -H kagome-su2 --Jleg $jleg --Jcross $jcross -m $states -s $steps --evolve 0.001 -w psi-Jleg$jleg-Jcross$jcross-m$states-u$unitcell fi done correlations:
Bowtie fieldTo get the kagome lattice with a forced plaquette field, use the model |