I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer.
PmWikiJa /
WikiFarmStepByStepQuestion問いCan you give me a step by step instruction on how to set up PmWiki as a WikiFarm from scratch? スクラッチから'WikiFarm'としてセットアップする方法を、段階的に教えることが出来ますか? Answer回答
tar xvfz pmwiki-latest.tgz
chmod 2777 pmwiki-latest # point browser to home page, and then...
chmod 755 pmwiki-latest
ln -sf pmwiki.php index.php
tar xvfz pmwiki-latest.tgz
chmod 2777 pmwiki-latest # point browser to home page, and then...
chmod 755 pmwiki-latest
ln -sf pmwiki.php index.php
$FarmPubDirUrl = 'http://hostname/wiki/pub';
$WikiTitle = 'My Farm';
cd pmwiki-latest
mkdir fields
cd fields
mkdir field.template
cd field.template/
ln -sf ../../cookbook .
ln -sf ../../scripts .
mkdir local
mkdir wiki.d
mkdir uploads
chmod g+ws uploads wiki.d
chown apache:root uploads wiki.d
$WikiTitle = 'My Field';
ln -sf field.php index.php
cp -frp field.template newfield
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