% DMRG for the 1D Heisenberg Model
% After S.R.White, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2863 (1992)
clear all
% Parameters
% Number of states kept m
% Number of iterations. Final lattice size is 2*Niter + 2
NIter = 100;
% exact energy, for comparison
ExactEnergy = -log(2) + 0.25;
% Intialize local operators
I= eye(2);
Sz = [1/2 0;0 -1/2];
Sp = [0 0;1 0];
Sm = [0 1 ;0 0];
% Initial blocks
% We assume reflection symmetry so we only need 1 block
% The operator acts on the inner-most site of the block
% +---------+ +---------+
% | *| |* |
% +---------+ +---------+
BlockSz = Sz;
BlockSp = Sp;
BlockSm = Sm;
BlockI = I;
BlockH = zeros(2);
Energy = -0.75; % energy of 2-site lattice
% Begin main iterations
for l = 1:NIter
% Get the 2m-dimensional operators for the block + site
BlockH = kron(BlockH, I) + kron(BlockSz, Sz) ...
+ 0.5 * ( kron(BlockSp, Sm) + kron(BlockSm, Sp) );
BlockSz = kron(BlockI, Sz);
BlockSp = kron(BlockI, Sp);
BlockSm = kron(BlockI, Sm);
BlockI = kron(BlockI, I);
% HAMILTONIAN MATRIX forsuperblock
H_super = kron(BlockH, BlockI) + kron(BlockI, BlockH) ...
+ kron(BlockSz, BlockSz) ...
+ 0.5 * ( kron(BlockSp, BlockSm) + kron(BlockSm, BlockSp) );
H_super = 0.5 * (H_super + H_super'); % ensure H is symmetric
% Diagonalizing the Hamiltonian
LastEnergy = Energy;
opts.disp = 0; % disable diagnostic information in eigs
opts.issym = 1;
opts.real = 1;
[Psi Energy] = eigs(H_super,1,'SA', opts);
EnergyPerBond = (Energy - LastEnergy) / 2;
% Form the reduced density matrix
Dim = sqrt(nr);
PsiMatrix = reshape(Psi, Dim, Dim);
Rho = PsiMatrix * PsiMatrix';
% Diagonalize the density matrix
[V D] = eig(Rho);
[D Index] = sort(diag(D), 'descend'); % sort eigenvalues descending
V = V(:,Index); % sort eigenvectors the same way
% Construct the truncation operator
NKeep = min(size(D, 1), m);
T = V(:, 1:NKeep);
TruncationError = 1 - sum(D(1:NKeep));
fprintf('%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n',l, Energy, EnergyPerBond, ...
ExactEnergy-EnergyPerBond, TruncationError);
% Transform the block operators into the truncated basis
BlockH = T'*BlockH*T;
BlockSz = T'*BlockSz*T;
BlockSp = T'*BlockSp*T;
BlockSm = T'*BlockSm*T;
BlockI = T'*BlockI*T;