If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
Jaunty-lmuA lot of software is missing, so we need to provide ACML, GMP and Boost on our own. As an additional obstacle Note: libboost-program_options1.35.0 should be installed on those machines. Note: Everything has to be compiled in the project/theorie directory. We assume that you have set the Experimental description, but worked once for me, however, not well tested.
Tested: acml-4-4-0-gfortran-64bit
Successully tested versions up to now: 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 5.0.1
build/x86_64_jaunty> ../../configure --prefix=$PROJECT --bindir=$HOME/bin --libdir=$PROJECT/lib --enable-cxx build/ia64> nice make -j 16 build/ia64> make check build/ia64> make install
Tested versions here: 1.40.0, 1.41.0, 1.42.0
> ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=$PROJECT --with-libraries=program_options > ./bjam Now copy the libraries from stage/ to ~/lib , where stage is a newly generated directory within your freshly installed boost.
In order for the toolkit to find our own GMP need to setup LDFLAGS accordingly. Of course,
It is assumed here, that you have downloaded the toolkit to a directory named trunk
> export F77=gfortran > export CXXFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -O3 -fopenmp" > export LDFLAGS=-L$PROJECT/lib trunk> ./configure --bindir=$PROJECT/bin --with-blas="-L$PROJCET/acml/gfortran64_mp/lib -lacml_mp -lacml_mv -lgfortran" --with-gmp=$PROJECT/include --with-boost=$PROJECT/boost --with-boost-program-options="-L$PROJECT/lib -lboost_program_options" trunk> make -j 16 trunk> make install The option --with-boost=... links to the boost directory and is very important.
Adaption to the new file server => binaries and libraries must not be located under \$HOME. I use \$PROJECT as "/project/theorie/Andreas.Holzner" (adapt as appropriate). build/x86_64> ../../configure --bindir=$PROJECT/bin/$(uname -m) --with-blas="-L$PROJECT/numerik/acml4.3.0/gfortran64_mp/lib -lacml_mp -lacml_mv -lgfortran" |