The pill you took is part of a trace program. It's design to disrupt your input/output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location.
Dolly-lmuInstallation instructions for the theory cluster at LMUWe have a very inhomogeneous hardware and software situation which makes it a little difficult to provide a stable productive working environment. I restrict myself to the amd64 machines running on Debian etchnhalf linux available through the DOLLY, GHOLA and GRAIL queues. Unfortunately, the new powerful workstations at Ulis group have still a very poor software collection installed.[<<]
All compiling is to be done on
> export F77="gfortran" > export CXXFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -O3 -march=opteron" build/x86_64> ../../configure --bindir=$HOME/bin/$(uname -m) --with-blas="-L$HOME/numerik/acml3.6.1/gfortran64/lib -lacml -lacml_mv -lgfortran" build/x86_64> make build/x86_64> make install