# Simple DMRG example for the 1D Heisenberg model #
# Ian McCulloch, August 2017 #
# After S.R.White, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2863 (1992) #
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import math
## Initial parameters
# number of states kept m
m = 10
# number of iterations. Final lattice size is 2*NIter + 2
NIter = 100
# Exact energy per site, for comparison
ExactEnergy = -math.log(2) + 0.25
print(" Iter Size Energy BondEnergy EnergyError Truncation")
## local operators
I = np.mat(np.identity(2))
Sz = np.mat([[0.5, 0 ],
[0 , -0.5]])
Sp = np.mat([[0, 0],
[1, 0]])
Sm = np.mat([[0, 1],
[0, 0]])
## Initial block operators. At the start
## these represent a single site. We assume
## reflection symmetry so we only need one block
## we can use on both the left and the right
BlockSz = Sz
BlockSp = Sp
BlockSm = Sm
BlockI = I
BlockH = np.zeros((2,2)) # Hamiltonian for 1-site system
Energy = -0.75 # initial energy for 2 sites
# (we start iterations from 4 sites)
## Begin main iterations
for i in range(0,NIter):
## Add a site to the block
BlockH = np.kron(BlockH, I) + np.kron(BlockSz, Sz) + \
0.5 * (np.kron(BlockSp, Sm) + np.kron(BlockSm, Sp))
BlockSz = np.kron(BlockI, Sz)
BlockSp = np.kron(BlockI, Sp)
BlockSm = np.kron(BlockI, Sm)
BlockI = np.kron(BlockI, I)
## 'Superblock' Hamiltonian
H_super = np.kron(BlockH, BlockI) + np.kron(BlockI, BlockH) + \
np.kron(BlockSz, BlockSz) + 0.5 * (np.kron(BlockSp, BlockSm) + \
np.kron(BlockSm, BlockSp))
## Diagonalize the Hamiltonian
LastEnergy = Energy
E, Psi = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(H_super, k=1, which='SA')
Energy = E[0]
EnergyPerBond = (Energy - LastEnergy) / 2;
## form the reduced density matrix by reshaping Psi into a matrix
Dim = BlockH.shape[0]
PsiMatrix = np.mat(np.reshape(Psi, [Dim, Dim]))
Rho = PsiMatrix * PsiMatrix.H
## Diagonalize the density matrix
## The eigenvalues are arranged in ascending order
D, V = np.linalg.eigh(Rho)
## Construct the truncation operator, which is the projector
## onto the m largest eigenvalues of Rho
T = np.mat(V[:, max(0,Dim-m):Dim])
TruncationError = 1 - np.sum(D[max(0,Dim-m):Dim])
print("{:6} {:6} {:16.8f} {:12.8f} {:12.8f} {:12.8f}"
.format(i, 4+i*2, Energy, EnergyPerBond,
ExactEnergy-EnergyPerBond, TruncationError))
## Truncate the block operators
BlockH = T.H * BlockH * T
BlockSz = T.H * BlockSz * T
BlockSp = T.H * BlockSp * T
BlockSm = T.H * BlockSm * T
BlockI = T.H * BlockI * T
# finish