(redirected from APCTPWorkshop.MPS-DMRG)
This is a DMRG code for finite systems, using MPS and MPO representations for the wavefunction and Hamiltonian. As such it is very flexible - it is easy to change the Hamiltonian to do a different model. You can get the source code here
This Python code follows closely how a 'serious' MPS code works, although it is not as fast as the C++ code in the Matrix Product Toolkit. The initial version of the code was very slow, and this was due to the inefficient implementation of the numpy.einsum() function that doesn’t optimize the tensor contractions. Breaking up the expression into pair-wise contractions speeds up the code by a factor 100x. Some other aspects that differ from a 'professional' MPS code:
- The MPO is stored in a dense structure. This is inappropriate for an MPO because it only has very few non-zero matrix elements (eg for the Heisenberg model, the MPO is 5x5 on a 2x2 local Hilbert space, for a total of 100 matrix elements. But all except for 12 of the matrix elements are zero.)
- The
np.einsum function is not particularly efficient, it doesn't use an optimized matrix multiply to do the tensor contractions (but this will probably be fixed in a later version of NumPy).
- It would be better to control the number of iterations used by the eigensolver, either by restricting it to a small number (eg 4 - 10 iterations) or selecting an appropriate tolerance. This can be done adaptively, eg using the truncation error or wavefunction fidelity.
- No symmetries are implemented. The Heisenberg model has {$SU(2)$} symmetry, which improves the efficiency by around a factor 100x. Using just {$U(1)$} improves the efficiency by about a factor 10x.
# Simple DMRG code using MPS/MPO representations #
# Ian McCulloch August 2017 #
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import math
## initial E and F matrices for the left and right vacuum states
def initial_E(W):
E = np.zeros((W.shape[0],1,1))
E[0] = 1
return E
def initial_F(W):
F = np.zeros((W.shape[1],1,1))
F[-1] = 1
return F
def contract_from_right(W, A, F, B):
# the einsum function doesn't appear to optimize the contractions properly,
# so we split it into individual summations in the optimal order
#return np.einsum("abst,sij,bjl,tkl->aik",W,A,F,B, optimize=True)
Temp = np.einsum("sij,bjl->sbil", A, F)
Temp = np.einsum("sbil,abst->tail", Temp, W)
return np.einsum("tail,tkl->aik", Temp, B)
def contract_from_left(W, A, E, B):
# the einsum function doesn't appear to optimize the contractions properly,
# so we split it into individual summations in the optimal order
# return np.einsum("abst,sij,aik,tkl->bjl",W,A,E,B, optimize=True)
Temp = np.einsum("sij,aik->sajk", A, E)
Temp = np.einsum("sajk,abst->tbjk", Temp, W)
return np.einsum("tbjk,tkl->bjl", Temp, B)
# construct the F-matrices for all sites except the first
def construct_F(Alist, MPO, Blist):
F = [initial_F(MPO[-1])]
for i in range(len(MPO)-1, 0, -1):
F.append(contract_from_right(MPO[i], Alist[i], F[-1], Blist[i]))
return F
def construct_E(Alist, MPO, Blist):
return [initial_E(MPO[0])]
# 2-1 coarse-graining of two site MPO into one site
def coarse_grain_MPO(W, X):
return np.reshape(np.einsum("abst,bcuv->acsutv",W,X),
[W.shape[0], X.shape[1],
def product_W(W1, W2):
return np.reshape(np.einsum("abst,cdtu->acbdsu", W1, W2), [W1.shape[0]*W2.shape[0],
def product_MPO(M1, M2):
assert len(M1) == len(M2)
Result = []
for i in range(0, len(M1)):
Result.append(product_W(M1[i], M2[i]))
return Result
# 2-1 coarse-graining of two-site MPS into one site
def coarse_grain_MPS(A,B):
return np.reshape(np.einsum("sij,tjk->stik",A,B),
[A.shape[0]*B.shape[0], A.shape[1], B.shape[2]])
def fine_grain_MPS(A, dims):
assert A.shape[0] == dims[0] * dims[1]
Theta = np.transpose(np.reshape(A, dims + [A.shape[1], A.shape[2]]),
M = np.reshape(Theta, (dims[0]*A.shape[1], dims[1]*A.shape[2]))
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=0)
U = np.reshape(U, (dims[0], A.shape[1], -1))
V = np.transpose(np.reshape(V, (-1, dims[1], A.shape[2])), (1,0,2))
# assert U is left-orthogonal
# assert V is right-orthogonal
#print(np.dot(V[0],np.transpose(V[0])) + np.dot(V[1],np.transpose(V[1])))
return U, S, V
def truncate_MPS(U, S, V, m):
m = min(len(S), m)
trunc = np.sum(S[m:])
S = S[0:m]
U = U[:,:,0:m]
V = V[:,0:m,:]
return U,S,V,trunc,m
def Expectation(AList, MPO, BList):
E = [[[1]]]
for i in range(0,len(MPO)):
E = contract_from_left(MPO[i], AList[i], E, BList[i])
return E[0][0][0]
class HamiltonianMultiply(sparse.linalg.LinearOperator):
def __init__(self, E, W, F):
self.E = E
self.W = W
self.F = F
self.dtype = np.dtype('d')
self.req_shape = [W.shape[2], E.shape[1], F.shape[2]]
self.size = self.req_shape[0]*self.req_shape[1]*self.req_shape[2]
self.shape = [self.size, self.size]
def _matvec(self, A):
# the einsum function doesn't appear to optimize the contractions properly,
# so we split it into individual summations in the optimal order
#R = np.einsum("aij,sik,abst,bkl->tjl",self.E,np.reshape(A, self.req_shape),
# self.W,self.F, optimize=True)
R = np.einsum("aij,sik->ajsk", self.E, np.reshape(A, self.req_shape))
R = np.einsum("ajsk,abst->bjtk", R, self.W)
R = np.einsum("bjtk,bkl->tjl", R, self.F)
return np.reshape(R, -1)
## optimize a single site given the MPO matrix W, and tensors E,F
def optimize_site(A, W, E, F):
H = HamiltonianMultiply(E,W,F)
# we choose tol=1E-8 here, which is OK for small calculations.
# to bemore robust, we should take the tol -> 0 towards the end
# of the calculation.
E,V = sparse.linalg.eigsh(H,1,v0=A,which='SA', tol=1E-8)
return (E[0],np.reshape(V[:,0], H.req_shape))
def optimize_two_sites(A, B, W1, W2, E, F, m, dir):
W = coarse_grain_MPO(W1,W2)
AA = coarse_grain_MPS(A,B)
H = HamiltonianMultiply(E,W,F)
E,V = sparse.linalg.eigsh(H,1,v0=AA,which='SA')
AA = np.reshape(V[:,0], H.req_shape)
A,S,B = fine_grain_MPS(AA, [A.shape[0], B.shape[0]])
A,S,B,trunc,m = truncate_MPS(A,S,B,m)
if (dir == 'right'):
B = np.einsum("ij,sjk->sik", np.diag(S), B)
assert dir == 'left'
A = np.einsum("sij,jk->sik", A, np.diag(S))
return E[0], A, B, trunc, m
def two_site_dmrg(MPS, MPO, m, sweeps):
E = construct_E(MPS, MPO, MPS)
F = construct_F(MPS, MPO, MPS)
for sweep in range(0,int(sweeps/2)):
for i in range(0, len(MPS)-2):
Energy,MPS[i],MPS[i+1],trunc,states = optimize_two_sites(MPS[i],MPS[i+1],
E[-1], F[-1], m, 'right')
print("Sweep {:} Sites {:},{:} Energy {:16.12f} States {:4} Truncation {:16.12f}"
.format(sweep*2,i,i+1, Energy, states, trunc))
E.append(contract_from_left(MPO[i], MPS[i], E[-1], MPS[i]))
for i in range(len(MPS)-2, 0, -1):
Energy,MPS[i],MPS[i+1],trunc,states = optimize_two_sites(MPS[i],MPS[i+1],
E[-1], F[-1], m, 'left')
print("Sweep {} Sites {},{} Energy {:16.12f} States {:4} Truncation {:16.12f}"
.format(sweep*2+1,i,i+1, Energy, states, trunc))
F.append(contract_from_right(MPO[i+1], MPS[i+1], F[-1], MPS[i+1]))
return MPS
d=2 # local bond dimension
N=100 # number of sites
InitialA1 = np.zeros((d,1,1))
InitialA1[0,0,0] = 1
InitialA2 = np.zeros((d,1,1))
InitialA2[1,0,0] = 1
## initial state |01010101>
MPS = [InitialA1, InitialA2] * int(N/2)
## Local operators
I = np.identity(2)
Z = np.zeros((2,2))
Sz = np.array([[0.5, 0 ],
[0 , -0.5]])
Sp = np.array([[0, 0],
[1, 0]])
Sm = np.array([[0, 1],
[0, 0]])
## Hamiltonian MPO
W = np.array([[I, Sz, 0.5*Sp, 0.5*Sm, Z],
[Z, Z, Z, Z, Sz],
[Z, Z, Z, Z, Sm],
[Z, Z, Z, Z, Sp],
[Z, Z, Z, Z, I]])
Wfirst = np.array([[I, Sz, 0.5*Sp, 0.5*Sm, Z]])
Wlast = np.array([[Z], [Sz], [Sm], [Sp], [I]])
# the complete MPO
MPO = [Wfirst] + ([W] * (N-2)) + [Wlast]
HamSquared = product_MPO(MPO, MPO)
# 8 sweeps with m=10 states
MPS = two_site_dmrg(MPS, MPO, 10, 8)
Energy = Expectation(MPS, MPO, MPS)
print("Final energy expectation value {}".format(Energy))
H2 = Expectation(MPS, HamSquared, MPS)
print("variance = {:16.12f}".format(H2 - Energy*Energy))